Sod - Cuss Word, Green Grass, Or Anti-Aging Wonder?
One of my British buddies is very fond of saying, "You sod!" or "Sod that!" so simply when I first came over the acronym Sod in a cusine book I thought that it referred to the British cuss word.
Here in our farming community, the word "sod" means green grass. Habitancy colse to here cultivate sod, which they then sell to developers to generate new lawns.
Defender For Tablet
But my popular definition of the word "sod" is Superoxide Dismutase, the acronym for which is Sod. Neither green grass nor a cuss word, Sod is an extremely leading antioxidant in the body. In fact, we pretty much can't live, at least not well, without Sod.
So What the Heck is Sod Anyway?
Sod is an antioxidant, which basically means that it's the body's police and cleanup crew. Sod goes colse to the body and neutralizes free radicals, specifically the superoxide free radical, and other destructive antioxidants. So far that all sounds good, if a bit boring. So let me put it in terms that are a exiguous more stark:
Throughout our lives, our bodies produce about 3 Tons of superoxide free radicals.
That equals a lot of damage to the body, since the superoxide radical can assault cells, damage Dna, and even be a pre-cursor to cancer. All this makes Sod super important. In fact, it is such an leading part of retention our body's healthy that whenever we are stressed, our brains immediately growth the output of Sod.
What Else Does Sod Do for Us?
In increasing to general policing of free radicals colse to the body, Sod has many other leading functions, including:
keeping cell membranes and tissues supple keeping gums healthy and protecting them from gingivitis, especially among smokers protect our Dna from the superoxide free radical
Sod is one of our body's first line defenders against free radicals, and basically protects the body from free radicals on all levels, from the cellular level to organ systems.
Where Do We Get Sod?
All organisms contain and produce Sod, some more than others. There are absolutely three kinds of Sod, one each linked with copper, zinc, and manganese. When we suffer from deficiencies in any of these minerals, then our bodies can't produce Sod.
Well sod that!
Luckily, we can get Sod in the foods we eat. Foods that are high in Sod include:
concentrated wheat sprouts Afa blue-green algae
You can also boost your intake of copper and zinc by eating foods including:
crimini mushrooms collard greens, spinach, and chard asparagus
To boost your intake of manganese, try these foods:
oats and brown rice berries like strawberries and raspberries green beans collard greens, spinach, and chard
For humans and animals, I have personally found that supplementation with wheat sprouts is a particularly suitable "all in one" clarification that doesn't require a lot of shopping or cooking. Wheat sprouts also supports joint condition and has many antioxidant properties of its own. Enjoy!
Sod - Cuss Word, Green Grass, Or Anti-Aging Wonder?
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