Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do-It-Yourself Computer Maintenance For Windows

Do-It-Yourself Computer Maintenance For Windows

Many fellowships want to sell you something you may already have (or may get for free), but may not even know about. Have you looked through what is ready in Windows for habit maintenance? Here are some things you can do today (or right now) to help keep your Windows operating system running smoother and with fewer glitches.

1. Disk Cleanup- Windows has a built in program to help take off unneeded files. When you go online, your computer market copies of web pages you visit. Assorted other temporary pages are created when you're online (also, some when you're offline). Over time these files procure and take up space on the hard drive that you may reclaim. This program finds them and other temporary files so you may delete them. To use it , go to- Start-> All Programs->accessories->system tools->disk cleanup Click on 'disk cleanup' and consequent the screens. It's a bit slow, so be patient. On the last screen you may pick which actions to take. I commonly 'don't' ask to have files compressed.

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2. Anti virus and Spyware- Viruses are mini programs that can damage your computer and spread to other computers in your network. Spyware is software that is downloaded to your computer by sneaky citizen that may then use that software to spy on your activities. There is a free download called 'windows defender' at the Microsoft website which handles anti-virus and anti-spyware chores. Just go to the site and do a search for 'windows defender'.

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3. Registry Repair- Windows has a file called the 'Registry' that keeps track of many things for the system. It creates data to help keep the program organized. The question is that it can get cluttered and bog down the system. The clarification is an additional one free download at called appropriately 'Registry Repair'. This is perhaps the most prominent chore for computer health.

4. Uninstalling Programs- Many citizen (most) are software junkies and are all the time installing some new program. This is one of the things that clutters the registry (noted in step 4). Sooner or later some of these programs will need to be uninstalled. The safest and best way to do that for your computer is to go to Start-> operate panel-> Add or take off Programs
Then consequent the steps for safe extraction of software.

Using these tools and programs will make your computer contact easier, faster, more enjoyable and will save you hundreds of dollars which is what we all should be into these days.

Short disclaimer- Even though I use all these myself, my computer is still not exquisite and things happen (browser freezes, videos stop to catch up and many of the other glitches), but I rest easier knowing they are not as frequent or severe as before and this may be about as good as it gets for a low allocation Windows user.

Do-It-Yourself Computer Maintenance For Windows

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